Winning 2 Awards
IF Design Awards (Communication / Campaigns)
SPIKE ASIA Shortlist
50주년을 맞아 유니폼을 리뉴얼 하게 된 맥도날드.
유니폼을 더 멋지게 바뀌는 것은 좋지만
땀과 노력이 담긴 크루들의 유니폼은 폐기되어야 했죠.
유니폼들이 버려지는 건,
환경적으로나 크루들에게나 아쉬운 상황이었습니다.
그래서 유니폼도 살리고 직원들의 자부심을 올려 줄 방법을 생각했습니다.
바로 트로피로 만들겠다는 아이디어였죠.
유니폼은 크루들을 위한 감사의 트로피가 되어 돌아갔고
크루들의 자부심과 환경까지 살리는 두마리 토끼를 잡게 되었습니다.
이 캠페인으로 IF AWARD와 SPIKE ASIA 쇼트리스트를 수상했습니다.
McDonald's has renewed its uniforms to celebrate its 50th anniversary.
It's good to change the uniform to look nicer,
but The crew’s uniforms, which were filled with their effort, had to be discarded.
Besides, The uniforms being thrown away was an unfortunate situation for both the environment and the crew.
So, we thought of a way to save the uniform and increase the pride of our employees.
The idea was to make uniforms into a trophy.
The uniform was returned as a trophy of appreciation for the crew,
saving the crew's pride and the environment.
This campaign won IF AWARD and SPIKE ASIA Shortlist.
McTrophy Case Video
(케이스 비디오)